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Creating a interconnected workplace with pinacos

How pinacos fosters strong bonds with colleagues and clients

Social bonds between colleagues are the defining feature of a positive work experience - they create:

  • The relationships we need to overcome challenges
  • The trust we need to work well together
  • and the empathy we need to support each other no matter what.

And let's face it, remote work is not going away anytime soon. It's an inevitability that law firms and companies have to accept. That makes it all the more important for them to foster collegial relationships.

Here are six things you can do on pinacos to strengthen or even form collegial relationships of any kind.

1. Create a 'case' that is only for internal interaction.

Meetings, chats and emails simply aren't enough for some things - they don't give you a way to share, for example, that you're a world-class ski jumper or amateur blacksmith. What you can do, however, is create a 'case' that is just for internal discussion - a place where you and your colleagues can share things that are unique to you and perhaps go beyond the work itself. Cases don't have to be limited to work - you can use them for pretty much anything!

You can create document registers for literature, for interesting articles, for funny pictures - for just about anything. Did you go on a holiday recently and want to show the pictures you took? Maybe a picture of your cat? Have you found your new favourite coffee roaster? Great - just post it in the 'case' provided.

2. Share registers with your clients and customers

Instead of discussing your work in slow email threads, bring your clients and customers directly to pinacos. You can share any register with external participants so they can see the documents and even annotate them if you want. This makes your daily work with your clients and customers more efficient and allows them to see your progress and give you feedback faster at the same time.

3. Move your meetings to pinacos

Face-to-face meetings and remote work are not really compatible. To facilitate meetings with participants from Vienna to Sydney, online conferences are perfect. And instead of using external platforms, you can hold them right here on pinacos! Our integrated meeting functionality enables meetings with all the features you want in a modern communication culture:

  • Audio, camera and chat
  • Screen sharing
  • Whiteboard with multi-user support
  • Unlimited number of participants

4. Solicit opinions and feedback with notifications

Not everyone is comfortable speaking up in a meeting. This is especially true when it is held online. Instead, you can simply formulate your question or request for feedback on pinacos with the integrated document annotator and let your colleagues know with the "notify user" function. They can then give you valuable feedback as soon as they find the time - all asynchronously.

5. Don't forget anything - sorted by priorities

pinacos offers you an integrated calendar to keep important appointments on your radar. But what to do if you don't want to forget little things, like remembering to give feedback to colleagues before upcoming presentations? Well, that's an excellent use case for a task. You don't have to limit yourself to the important things with tasks. Instead, you can use tasks to keep track of things of any importance and priority. And thanks to the smart listing of both appointments and tasks in the calendar, you're guaranteed to stay on top of things.

6. Create a pinboard

As you know, pinacos shows all documents visible to you in the document feed first sorted by date. If you now create a document with a future date - e.g. "last day of the year" - this document will always be at the top. If you put this document in a tab that other specified users can see, these users will also always have the document at the top of their 'All' view. Well, the document can be a yearly calendar, a 'VERY IMPORTANT' list or just a scratch sheet. Whatever you want to use it for, you all see it and can work on it, just like you used to do it with paper on your office notice board.

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